Air Pollution Reaches Horrible Levels in India: People Are Not Going Out

Life in India's Delhi region has come to a standstill as the air quality index has risen to "dangerous", with an air quality index above 400.

India ranks first among the countries with the most polluted air quality in the world due to stubble burning, vehicle emissions and population density.

The air quality index (AQI) in 12 cities in the country exceeded 400 and rose to the "dangerous" level. Today, it has been decided to close primary schools in Delhi, where the air quality index exceeds 470.

Delhi Prime Minister Arvind Kejriwal stated at a press conference that the decline in air quality over the past few days is due to excessive burning of stubble. "There should be no politics on such a sensitive issue," he said.

Saying that middle and high schools will remain open, Kejriwal emphasized that outdoor activities will not be allowed in schools that remain open.

Air Pollution Index

Air quality index values ​​indicating the level of air pollution are in the range of 0-50 "good", 51-100 "moderate", 101-150 "sensitive", 151-200 "unhealthy", 201-300 "poor" and 301-500 classified as "dangerous".

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