Crashed into a 720C Furnace Filled with Molten Aluminum, Miraculously Survived

A factory worker in St Gallen, Switzerland, fell into a factory furnace filled with molten aluminum and miraculously survived.

A 25-year-old worker at a factory in St Gallen, northeast Switzerland, fell into a factory furnace filled with molten aluminum at 720 degrees Celsius.

The young 25-year-old electrical worker was working with a colleague on a furnace filled with molten aluminum Wednesday evening. The worker suddenly lost his balance and fell into the furnace at 720 degrees.

The young man sank into the aluminum up to his knees, but despite the shock of the incident, he managed to throw himself out of the oven with a sudden movement.

Miracle Salvation

Eyewitnesses immediately helped the man, and emergency teams were called to the hospital. Despite the burns on his body, it was learned that the young man was alive and was taken to the nearest health institution by helicopter.

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