Energy Crisis in Germany: 'Do not take a shower, wipe with a cloth' recommendation from the authorities

The energy crisis continues in Germany, one of the countries most affected by the war with Russia and Ukraine in Europe. Suggesting continuous energy savings to the public, the authorities warned of a 'shower' this time.

The energy crisis is deepening in Germany, which is faced with natural gas cuts after the sanctions imposed on Russia in the Ukraine-Russia war. In the country, which is heavily dependent on natural gas from Russia for energy, measures are being taken to reduce this dependency and prepare for the approaching winter. The last words of the officials, who constantly make suggestions to the public for energy saving, created a shock effect.

Winfried Kretschmann, president of the German state of Baden-Württemberg, said in an interview yesterday, “In these days when we are tested by the energy crisis, people can save a lot by using a wet washcloth instead of 'showering all the time'." aforementioned.

A member of the Green Party, Kretschmann runs the southwestern German state on the border of France and Switzerland, and about 11 million people live there.

On the other hand, while the deepening energy crisis in the country makes us think of the approaching winter months, there is a drought throughout the country.

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