Europe Prepares for Worst 'Energy' Scenario! England in Bad Situation

The search for a solution to the energy crisis that shook Europe continues. In Brussels, the heart of the European Union, a worst-case scenario is being prepared for 27 member states.

The war launched by Russia against Ukraine continues to deeply affect the European continent. The deepening energy crisis is likely to be Europe's number one problem this winter, as Russian President Vladimir Putin drastically cuts off gas flow to the continent.

European Union countries seeking alternatives to energy sources are trying to survive the winter with their savings plans.

Brussels Prepares with the Worst in Mind

EU Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič stated that Brussels is preparing for the worst-case scenario for the whole bloc, and said that they are trying to predict the crises that may occur in the winter instead of giving urgent responses in the light of their experience with the coronavirus.

EU countries have formally adopted 'extraordinary austerity measures', including a voluntary 10 percent cut in electricity consumption and a mandatory 5 percent cut during peak hours. However, it is not yet known whether these measures will be sufficient to spend the winter.

Reserves 100% Full in France

The French government has recently announced a new package of measures they describe as part of its ongoing plan to reduce energy consumption. While gas reserves are now 100 percent full in France, there are growing concerns that this may not be enough for next year if the weather is cold.

Alert in England! 3 Hours of Power Outage Expected Daily

British national gas network National Grid has announced that if gas supplies from Russia are completely cut off, homes in the UK could face up to three hours of power cuts per day.

The company said it could lead to shortages if Britain couldn't import electricity from France, the Netherlands or Belgium.

European Parliament to Turn Off Heating

It has been reported that the European Parliament (EP), one of the three main institutions of the European Union, has taken some energy saving decisions on its campuses due to the energy crisis. According to the rules communicated to EP members and employees in the internal statement, the heating will be completely turned off on Fridays along with weekends. On the other hand, the lights will be turned off in the buildings for security purposes.

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