How to get a residence permit and work permit in Turkey?

In order to obtain a residence and work permit in Turkey, some rules must be followed.

It is forbidden for foreigners to reside and work in Turkey without a work permit. A foreigner must either find a job in order to obtain a residence permit in Turkey. Or he has to start a business. Or he has to buy a house.

Those who work in Turkey without a work permit can be deported.

The list of requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Turkey is as follows.

A residence permit can be obtained through marriage.
A residence permit can be obtained by establishing a business. For this, the establishment of a company is mandatory.
Or, if a company gives you a job, it can get a work permit on your behalf.

It is essential for every foreigner who comes to Turkey to obtain a residence permit for a long stay. It is recommended that you seek help from a trusted advisor or lawyer for this.

When you come to Turkey, go to the headman of your place and he will direct you to the necessary places.

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