NASA Captures Biggest Recent Explosion from the Sun, Could Impact Earth!

The US Space and Aviation Administration (NASA) recently detected the largest and most powerful explosion on the Sun. On the other hand, experts warned that the explosion in the Sun could affect the Earth.

Scientists at the Solar Dynamics Observatory of the US Space and Aviation Administration (NASA) and observing the changes in the Sun, announced that the most powerful explosion seen in our star since May 10 took place last October 2.

According to the article published on NASA's official website; 'Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy. Flares and solar flares can affect radio communications, power grids, navigation signals and pose a risk to spacecraft and astronauts.'

Stating that the solar flare is at the intensity of X1, from weak to strong, in the order of C, M and X, scientists noted that the strongest explosion ever detected was experienced in 2003 at the intensity of X28.

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