Recession in the USA. So what is a recession?

The US has a recession on its agenda. Everyone is wondering what happened

One of the most searched words in the USA today was recession. Everyone is clearly wondering what happened.

The world of politics and economy is also making statements about the recession.

A recession is the term traditionally given to the macroeconomics when real gross domestic product shows negative growth for two or more quarterly periods in a row. It can also be explained as a recession in the economy.

Why is the recession occurring?

Everyone is also wondering why the recession occurred.
If the economic growth rate slows down, a recession occurs. In case of rapid population growth and stagnation of the country's economy, recession occurs again. A recession occurs when macroeconomic indicators stop and decline. The recession level increases with the shrinkage of the commercial investment volume and the stagnation of investments.

It remains to be seen what steps will be taken regarding the recession.

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