Turkish swimmer Bengisu Avcı swam the Catalina Canal in the USA

Turkish athlete Bengisu Avcı, who made history by swimming the English Channel connecting England to France, now made history by swimming the Catalina Canal in the USA.

Bengisu Avcı, trainer of 21-year-old Aysu Türkoğlu, the youngest Turkish athlete to swim in the English Canal connecting England to France in the past months, swam in the Catalina Canal in the USA to complete the 7 most challenging open water swimming courses in the world. .

Bengisu Avcı, 26, passed the 36-kilometer English Canal stage between England and France in 11 hours and 29 minutes on August 3, 2018, surpassing the rating of Nesrin Olgun Arslan, who was the first Turkish woman to swim the same stage in 1979. In 15 hours 47 minutes. She was a fast passing Turkish woman.

Bengisu Avcı, the third and fastest Turkish female ultra-marathon swimmer to cross the English Canal, once again made history by swimming the Catalina Canal, one of the most challenging courses in the USA.

Bengisu, who swam 34 kilometers from Santa Catalina Island off Los Angeles to San Pedro Long Beach, took 11 hours and 59 minutes and became the first Turkish woman to cross the Catalina Canal.

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