Weekly Horoscope and Solar Eclipse for October 24-30, 2022

We will witness interesting events this week and beyond. On October 25, there will be a partial solar eclipse at two degrees of Scorpio. The solar eclipse will affect all zodiac signs.

We will witness interesting events this week and beyond. On October 25, there will be a partial solar eclipse at two degrees of Scorpio. This solar eclipse will be viewed from Iceland, Europe, North and East Africa, Middle East, West Asia, India, West China. Along with this eclipse, the year 2023 is also very important. Because in 2023, another eclipse will take place on October 28.

Since the eclipse is in the water group, it may be related to heavy rains, floods, floods, some dangers from the waters, water accidents, such as accidents that may occur at sea, ship accidents.

Scorpio means change and transformation, we will have to change and transform with the crises we will experience. Since Scorpio is about managing crises, we may encounter many crises, our emotional ups and downs can be very high, we will be open to all kinds of emotional situations. We may be open to manipulations, manipulation, jealousy, hatred, perhaps excessive love, excessive possessiveness. If we can manage these, we will be on our way with the right steps.

Passion and magnetism, reproducing are associated with Scorpio. Sexuality, death, tax issues, inheritance, insurance, underground resources, mining, nuclear, chemistry, water waste, sewage and sewage are also under Scorpio's management. This means that this eclipse will mainly bring these issues to us.

We will see our weaknesses and how we use the power will also really matter in this eclipse. The fact that the eclipse is in Scorpio and Mars is in Gemini shows us that it will be difficult for them to be at a point where they do not see each other. The Sun and Moon will be in conjunction with Venus. Venus represents money, relationships, sociability, but not in a comfortable position in Scorpio, we will act unsatisfied and change-oriented in some opportunities that will come our way about our gains and solutions.

When we look at the degree of eclipse, eclipses in the first decan cause war. We are heading towards a time when the winds of war blow. Mayhem, massacres, captivity and betrayal may be some of the main themes of eclipses occurring at these degrees.

Mars began its expulsion movement as of October 22. That's why it's a period when warlike energy is in full swing and warms the environment. When we look at this week, Jupiter goes back to Pisces until the beginning of January. We can say that it is a fruitful process until January for the waters, oceans, floods, oil, transportation, oil, pharmaceutical and cinema sectors.

Mercury will enter Scorpio on Saturday, we can be deep, inquisitive, intuitive and skeptical for 2 weeks in communication. Issues such as payments, debts, interest, credit, tax can be discussed more and we can take action to find solutions to crises.

On Sunday, October 30, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini.

Since all forms of communication are connected with Gemini, we can be open to troubles in business steps, communication, sales, advertising, promotion, marketing, digital fields, sectors, problems in all forms of information, shopping, and trade. Information, speaking, transferring, being in dilemma, being indecisive, talking too much, arguments, debates, accidents while driving, short trips, work accidents, reversal of some events in the commercial field, problems in school and education, teachers, journalists, internet and online Problems to be experienced in areas, problems in sales, logistics, cyber attacks, hacking may come to the fore.

Weekly Horoscope for October 24-30 and Effects of Solar Eclipse

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

This week is an important week for you because you will experience an eclipse and Mars is preparing for its retrograde motion. You will experience the partial solar eclipse that will occur on Tuesday in your common money areas. If you have any debts that need to be paid related to inheritance, alimony, taxes, rapid developments in terms of handling these debts, asking some people for help, restructuring, arranging the next six months may come before you with this eclipse. If you are married, matters and events related to your spouse's financial issues and financial situation will accelerate in your life during this eclipse. Pay attention to be aware of the issues and events that bring you down in this area. Are you spending a lot, are you open-handed, are you allowing people around you to benefit from everything you get, take a look at them.

On Friday, Jupiter moves into Pisces, and you go into a cycle where you will strengthen your spiritual side and grow yourself. The period until the beginning of January is the process of reviewing some events and situations, but you will be protected, your spirituality will be high and no one will be able to touch you.

On Sunday, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. You may find that the steps you take in commercial activities, sales, advertising, promotion, marketing, entrepreneurship, education, transportation, logistics, computer-related issues and events slow down a bit and some setbacks and troubles come to you. Don't try to do a big job in these areas this term, just go through your existing works more slowly, a few times, until January 14th. Be careful not to get into arguments and frictions with your close circle, relatives and siblings.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You will deal with some of the issues in your daily life very easily and you will start your week with what you need to do both from the heart and logic. There is a partial solar eclipse on Tuesday, and you will experience this eclipse in the field of bilateral relations and private life. There will be important decisions you will make here and you will want to act correctly in these decisions. The issues and events that bring you down and give you a hard time in the relationship are among the issues that you will notice during this eclipse. Not only relationships, but also joint works and collaborations may be more important in your life. Issues related to moving, areas related to consultancy, projects, contracts, agreements, important steps you need to take in this area will come with this New Moon. But this New Moon, while you want to take important steps in the decisions you will make about your bilateral relations and private life, you will also be stuck on money-related issues.

On Friday, Jupiter continues its retrograde into Pisces. Jupiter will offer you opportunities in your social and friendship areas until the beginning of January. Afterwards, you will see that your spiritual side is strengthened again.

On Sunday, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. Take care to take careful steps in matters related to money. If you have commercial activities, if you are in an active role in money exchanges, you will be open to some problems these days. Therefore, be careful to avoid money-related decisions as much as possible until January 14th.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You say hello to your week with love, children and important works you will do with other people, and you will want to make important decisions in this area as well. If you have an important job to deal with with your child, it may be really important for you to be on the same frequency with your child or to value the same thoughts as the person you love.

There will be a partial Solar Eclipse on Tuesday and you will experience this eclipse in areas related to business, service and health. Be extra careful about health-related issues, while restructuring some of your relationships that you need to change and address in these areas. Take extra care, especially if you have an intolerance to what you eat, drink or have sugar related issues. You will reconsider your diet, and you will see very clearly what you can do and how you should progress in the hustle and bustle of your business life and daily life with this eclipse.

On Friday, Jupiter will enter Pisces and continue its retrograde until January. Over the next few months, you will see your opportunities increase in your career and career fields. Especially after Jupiter is corrected, these luck and opportunities may come your way in a very good way. While the support you will see from strong people is high until January, Mars starts its retrograde movement in Gemini on Sunday. It will warn you to pay attention to matters related to your personal life and health. If you have a quick start, rush, or problems keeping you busy until January 14th, you may encounter problems from time to time. Take care to be careful about all kinds of problems and allergies related to your nervous system, hands and arms. If you are going to have an operation, try not to coincide with this period if possible. Stay away from big ventures as much as possible until January 14th.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

At the beginning of this week, things to talk about in your family life will be important. You will move forward on your way with important decisions that you will make both in your heart and in spirit.

There is a solar eclipse on Tuesday, this solar eclipse is taking place in your love house. You may be at the beginning of important decisions in your love life. If you are married, you may find that your desire for children increases. If you have a child, you will be more interested in his subjects and events. Artistic, creative works, as well as your hobbies, education issues, all these can activate your life during this eclipse, but you will have to see the subjects and issues that bring you down here.

On Friday, Jupiter continues its retrograde into Pisces. The opportunities you have had in your career and profession since May may stop at one point for now, you can now take action to improve yourself more and show yourself in matters related to travel and education. Until January, your chances and opportunities will be high in these areas.

On Sunday, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. You are one of the zodiac signs that should be paid attention until January 14th. A period open to not knowing your direction, not being able to use your own power effectively, some accidents or unexpected situations and events. What you need to do in this period is not to make very important decisions on matters related to your career and professional life, not to argue with anyone, not to overestimate the events. You can spend this period as a time when you can turn to yourself a little more, be a little calmer and see what you need to do in your business life. Also, do not forget to strengthen your immune system.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You are saying hello to your week with the things that we will plan with your close circle. Especially on Monday evenings, you can come together with someone from your close circle and have important conversations.

There will be a partial solar eclipse on Tuesday and you will experience this eclipse in your home, family and home areas. Important decisions that need to be made in matters related to your family may come into play. While relocation, acceleration of real estate issues and events, as well as some issues and events that will occur in the lives of your elders, you will get very important information about what needs to be completed and what needs to be completed in matters related to your home, home and family. Your father's issues and events will be important in your life. If you have attempted to do some work such as renovation, paint, whitewash in your home environment, be careful during this eclipse.

On Friday, Jupiter will enter Pisces and continue its retrograde motion. Until January, you will have extra chances and some good opportunities in monetary matters, joint monetary matters. If you have problems with money, you will be in a lucky 2-month period in terms of handling all these.

On Sunday, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. Pay attention to your social environment and friendship relations until January 14th. If you have some work that you have done with your friends, if you are the head of some organizations, invitations or activities, if you have commercial activities, you may encounter some troubles and problems here. If you are organizing some of your friends, you may be open to problems in your relationship with them during this period. You may encounter a pause or setback in your income from work. Take care to spend this period as calmly as possible, do not quarrel with anyone.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You start your week by seeing what you can do in financial matters, and if there are ideas you need to get from some people in this area, you can benefit from these recommendations with peace of mind as of Monday evening.

A partial solar eclipse will take place on Tuesday and you will experience this eclipse in your immediate surroundings. Relatives, siblings, neighbors, whoever is in contact with you, significant changes and transformations are seen in your connections with those people, while the troubles and problems between you and some people may come to the fore at this time of eclipse. On the other hand, if you have jobs in sales, advertising, promotion and marketing, you will be prone to make important decisions here as well. Keep your eyes open and take care to make the most of this eclipse. This eclipse will also accelerate your entrepreneurial direction.

On Friday, Jupiter will continue its retrograde by going into Pisces, relationships are starting to be important in your life again. Bilateral relations in the period until the beginning of January are a process that is very prone to joint works and cooperation. You will know how to recover situations and events in your private life.

On Sunday, Mars is preparing for its retrograde in Gemini, Mars was advancing in your career and profession areas, now its retrograde here will bring a slowdown in fast-moving issues and events in your career and professional life. These slowdowns will show you very clearly where and what to do. Maybe you will learn that there are issues in your work that we need to change, but avoid angry public debate and friction as much as possible. In environments where you will be in sight, some difficulties with your connections with your bosses may come into play until January 14th. Do not change jobs during this period, do not start a new job if possible, and stay away from innovations and big steps in business-related matters as much as possible.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Your own expectations and wishes will be important this week, and if you have plans in your head, you will see that these plans work very easily. On Monday evenings, a wish or a subject you desire may come to you through conversations, agreements and opportunities that the person in front of you offers you.

A partial solar eclipse will take place on Tuesday, this solar eclipse will occur in your money. The subject of this eclipse will be when a money-related issue comes into play, you get money in your pocket, you show your own power in money-related matters, or you feel inadequate at some points in this field, even if you earn money, the thought that this money will not be enough for you in any way. Whatever you do these days, you may be struggling to turn everything into money, don't worry too much about these issues, after all, even if you are dissatisfied here, you will be able to make good money.

On Friday, Jupiter will continue its retrograde into Pisces. Good luck and opportunities in business, service and health-related matters may come your way until the beginning of January, and you may strengthen your health. If you want to make changes in your business life, you can apply for them again. By the beginning of January, you will see that your opportunities are high in business, service and health-related matters.

You are likely to encounter some setbacks, troubles and problems in the field of travel, education, foreign affairs, which will begin its retrograde motion in Mars on Sunday in Gemini. Take careful steps on long journeys. Some of your travels may be delayed, or you may find that some of your work is not producing the results you want. Since this is your legal area, do not get into arguments and frictions with anyone or take an issue to a legal area. If there is a situation outside of you, don't worry, the one who started the war loses. If the other party messes with you, be sure that good results will be achieved on your part, but do not mess with anyone this period. Universities, trainings, you may be open to some troubles and problems in this field until January 14th. It is useful to be careful about long trips.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You are entering the week with some reluctant energies. Some issues may be getting too big in your eyes, you may be carrying these unnecessary worries and fears this week. On Monday evening, your spirituality will be so strong that you will somehow manage to balance things and feel peaceful.

There is a partial Solar eclipse in your sign on Tuesday, a period when we need to reconsider issues and events in your life. You will see that the person you love supports you in the face of what you will experience during this period, but the person in your life is with you, but there are some movements that you need to leave here. It is very important for your life to change and transform, in the process ahead and while doing all these, you need to see what you did wrong and correct them and move forward on your path. This eclipse will bring some events in front of you, both physically, spiritually and on a business basis, and you will see what you need to do as a result of these events. Take extra care of your health during this eclipse, but since Venus is there, you will also know how to pick up situations and events, even if some dissatisfaction and some desire to change are active.

On Friday, Jupiter will continue its retrograde into Pisces. You will give more space to love, pleasure and happiness in your life. In the period until January, you will begin to look at life with a softer eye, which will show yourself both in your love life and in your artistic activities. If you do not have a person in your life, it will be a suitable period to welcome a new person into your life and to set sail for love. You may receive news of children, you may want to have children, your relations with your children may improve, these are good luck that Jupiter will give you while passing through this house.

On Sunday, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini. Pay attention to money matters, do not vouch for anyone, do not borrow money from anyone, do not lend money to anyone. Your expenses during this period may be extremely high. You may want to invest more in yourself. Maybe you can spend a lot of money on a psychotherapist, maybe on a psychologist, or on an area you are interested in. If you have started some initiatives so far, now with the retrograde motion of Mars in these areas, effects such as encountering troubles and problems, pouring money in vain or giving money in vain may come into play. You can clearly see that your partner has difficulties in financial matters this period. Stay away from big ventures as much as possible until January 14th. Avoid major surgeries. Avoid as much as possible, especially in surgeries involving the lungs, airways, hands, arms, shoulders.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You are starting this week with important tasks to undertake with your friends. There may be a lot of news that you will receive from your social circle.

This solar eclipse, which will be a partial solar eclipse on Tuesday, is occurring in your destiny field. So the terms and conditions may not be very much in your hands. This time of eclipse you seem open to all sorts of possibilities. It doesn't seem easy to control some events with your friends, in financial matters, in your business life, and in health-related matters. On the other hand, if you keep yourself strong spiritually, there seems to be a possibility of turning these negativities in your favor. Issues and events related to your mother's relatives and siblings will be on your agenda for the next 6 months during this eclipse. Abroad-related works will be taken in the spiritual field, some situations and events will make your life active. You may see that your fears, anxieties, and past experiences have come to the surface one by one, and you may not know what to do about many issues, from insomnia to nervous tensions, just at this time of eclipse. Issues and events related to the health or work of your loved one will be important.

On Thursday, Jupiter continues its retrograde into Pisces. You will have lucky effects in your home, family and home areas until the beginning of January. You can see yourself happy, optimistic and enthusiastic in your family life, while the abundance of your home is always abundant. If you have jobs such as real estate buying and selling, you will see that these jobs are also accelerating.

On Sunday, Mars will start its retrograde movement in Gemini, and you need to be open to effects such as a pause in your plans with the person you love. Do not get into fights with the person you love during this period. Some information has the potential to come out, so you may be a little nervous because of it. You may experience the same situation in your joint ventures. If you are thinking of moving, take care not to move between October 30 and January 14 if possible. Pay attention to legal matters.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You start your week with the important decisions you need to make in your career and professional life, and it will support you in terms of talking, meeting, telling someone about a job opportunity that will come your way on Monday evening and making important decisions about it.

There is a partial Solar Eclipse on Tuesday, you will experience this partial Solar Eclipse in your social circles. Your friendships, friendships, business partners or some projects you have undertaken with your friends in some jobs will be important in your life. A time period open to environmental changes. Issues and events that need to be settled in your career in money-related matters, and your income from work may come across as the main theme of this eclipse. In this area, what you should let go of in your relations with your friends, the mistakes you make, what you keep emotionally inside will be important for you, and you will be determining the period ahead with the reactions you give here. So don't forget to show a little more understanding approach.

On Friday, Jupiter will go into Pisces and continue its retrograde, a period in which you will see various opportunities from your close circle. As the field of entrepreneurship accelerates, you can see that good developments are coming your way in the lives of your relatives and siblings. If you have a job in sales, advertising, promotion and marketing until the beginning of January, you may encounter rapid developments in these areas.

Over the weekend, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini. You may have been rushing and dealing with issues related to work, service and health. Since August, your nervous tension may be high in this area. Now, with the retrograde of Mars in these areas, effects such as the people you work with in your business life and some events related to health may be in effect. Take extra care of your health during this period. Try to keep your nervous system as intact as possible.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You start your week with important news and important speeches from far away. It will be important for people to talk about you in environments where your career, profession and what you will do are in front of you.

The partial solar eclipse takes place on Tuesday. You will experience this eclipse in your professional and career fields, as well as in your business matters. The main subject of this eclipse can be to show yourself in your work, to show yourself in your power, to transfer your knowledge to your work environment, and to show people in your own family what you can do in family matters. On the other hand, you will encounter issues and events that challenge you in your work environment, and you will encounter some important situations on how to get rid of these events. During these 6 months ahead, you may make some eliminations in your life. For example, you have some jobs that you have spread over more than one area, but those jobs are no longer serving you, now you can consider ending these jobs one by one. Important events may come to the fore in the lives of your bosses and your mother.

On Friday, Jupiter continues its retrograde into Pisces. Until the beginning of January, you are entering a lucky cycle in matters related to money. You can increase your money earnings and at the same time, you can turn business opportunities into money, you will not have any problems with money.

On Sunday, Mars goes retrograde in Gemini. You have the potential to encounter some difficulties, obstacles and setbacks in your love life and relationships with children. While turning your energy inside your artistic and creative works, if you have a child, you should be careful not to get into arguments with your child, or to criticize the person you love too much in your love life, or to convey the information correctly. During this period, you will also have the chance to revisit some events related to sports, activities, artistic activities or education, but until January 14th, stay away from big initiatives as much as possible.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You start your week with your work that requires monetary payments. You know very clearly that you need to be balanced in financial matters.

On Tuesday, you will experience an eclipse in your travel and education areas. This eclipse in Scorpio will bring you important events in your travels, commercial activities, education and legal fields. You will be open to cooperation with people you know less, you will want to earn monetary gains, but with this eclipse, you will see what makes you tired and what kind of behavior you need to change in external environments and towards people who know you less. This is the area of ​​distant relatives, there may also be important developments in their lives with this eclipse. If you are married, important situations and events will come to the fore in the life of your partner's relatives and siblings. If you encounter some issues that need to be changed, take care to implement them.

On Friday, Jupiter will go into your sign and continue its retrograde, and you may encounter new structures in your life until the beginning of January. You can see yourself as happy, optimistic, enthusiastic and opportunistic. Make good use of this two-month period. The lucky period that comes every 12 years was yours from January to May, now it will be yours again in November and December.

On Sunday, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini. Until January 14, you are likely to encounter difficulties and problems in your attempts at home-related matters. If you are going to buy an item for your home, if you are hosting someone in your home or if you have a home venture, you may not be very supportive of these initiatives. Be careful not to get into arguments with your father and family elders during this period. Stay away from businesses like real estate buying and selling as much as possible. If you want to make such an investment, there will not be a suitable period for investments until January 14th. Beware of accidents, falls, bumps and minor mishaps at home.

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