Weekly Horoscope Reviews - 11-17 July 2022

This week has been pretty hectic. Famous astrologers have made it clear that this week's leading role is Neptune. This will lead to many events, both positive and negative. So what awaits us between 11-17 July?

Neptune is the main character of the week. Neptune is negatively associated with abandonment, abandonment, confusion, a sense of misunderstanding, deception or deception. In a positive sense, it is spirituality, empathy, helping the needy, high intuition and romance.

While the Sun and Mercury will have their share of these positive effects, Venus will create harsh effects. So it will be a week with high creativity. It can be considered very positive, especially with the full moon. However, in bilateral relations, he will be confused, in a somewhat complicated situation, imagination and romance will be high. In addition, Mercury will form a beautiful combination with Uranus, which will strengthen our innovation, intelligence and inventiveness.

Monday, July 11

The Moon is in Sagittarius. A day when our self-confidence and comfort are high. There may be minor disagreements in bilateral relations during the day.

Tuesday, July 12

Optimism and self-confidence continue even when the moon is in Capricorn, because the Moon is square to Jupiter. But today we are in a day where we can focus a little more on our duties and responsibilities or take our health responsibilities.

Wednesday, July 13

Full Moon Day. During the day, the Moon will be in conjunction with Pluto, which can make the day confrontational, crisis-ridden, but focused and concentrated on our tasks.

Thursday, July 14

The Moon moves into Aquarius. With the square angle it will make with Mars during the day, we can have an energetic but tense day. We may encounter headaches or minor cuts and clumsiness.

Friday, Juy 15

Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. During the day, we can have a task-oriented, more intellectual, emotionally distant and cold day. This holiday may not be fun enough.

Saturday, July 16

The Moon moves into Pisces. It can be a good, creative, romantic day in which we may tend to escape, but in terms of bilateral relations. We will also spend an energetic day with Mars aspect. It is very suitable for sports activities.

Sunday, July 17

The most dreamy, escapist and romantic day of the week. The Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Today is the last day of the 9-day vacation for many of us. We can spend a little more lazing around. I recommend it if we can spend it by the water.

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