Weekly Horoscope Reviews - 25/31 July 2022

Famous astrologers announced their weekly horoscope for July 25-31, 2022. This week, we have compiled for you what the zodiac signs expect in terms of love, family, health, career and money.

In the week of 25-31 July 2022; Uranus and North Node conjunct in Taurus. You enter the clash of old and new, can you see order in disorder? Uranus rules sudden changes. You may have a frustrating dynamic, but you will have great results for the future.

There is a New Moon in Leo. You can go for liberation in relationships, long-term business partnerships or long-term business deals.

Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries. There may be sudden changes in the structure and responsibilities in your life.

Weekly Horoscope for 25-31 July 2022

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Jupiter-supported New Moon you will experience this week may offer you pleasant opportunities in how you use your creativity physically and mentally, your relationship with children and your joy of life, art, imagination, love and short-term relationships, but be careful with your reactions to money this week. it is beneficial to do so.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon you will experience this week may make you lucky in matters such as roots, inheritance, parents, house, immovable property, material inheritance, and you may also be lucky in matters such as genetic inheritance and real estate, moving, retirement, but no matter what, you will find yourself with strange problems in your conversations. You can find it while fighting.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The New Moon you will experience this week seems to enable you to take action in your relations with your close circle such as family, siblings, relatives, neighbors, in all kinds of visual and verbal communication, public relations, marketing, promotion and shortcuts and shortcuts. term plans. But there may be sudden outbursts of anger this week. Therefore, it is better to act calmly.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The New Moon in Leo covers issues related to earnings such as production, budget, movable property, money, and situations that explain how you can use it. Also, this week, I would say it is useful to pay attention to communication accidents in your social relations.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

This New Moon, which will take place just above your zodiac sign, can add a lot to you in terms of your attitude towards life, the image you will reveal and the decisions you will make about yourself. However, this week, you may be open to conflicts, especially in career conversations. I say try to stay calm.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The New Moon in Leo can make you think a little about your hidden sides that you don't want to reveal, feeling limited and lonely, and also all about the subconscious. If you have a presentation this week, try to be more perfect.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

The New Moon in Leo, which will mark the week, will activate you in areas such as social issues, topics, parties and people you don't know, crowds, new acquaintances, popularity. But this week, I can recommend you to be more careful and meticulous, especially if you have an official job.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The New Moon you will experience this week may affect you sweetly and sourly in terms of career and social prestige and recognition, organization, management and power areas, as well as your future goals and business. I say try to use a positive style when expressing yourself and try to stay away from the attitudes I have said.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

The New Moon in Leo, which gives the week its name, can make you nervous about our higher education life, our relations with abroad, attitudes towards other cultures and curiosity, tolerance and humanism, distant journeys, travel and seeing foreigners. countries and long-term plans. This week, minor mishaps may also occur in the daily hustle and bustle.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The effect of the New Moon on you this week seems to be on issues such as inheritance, marriage or joint work, the status of shares and earnings, intuitions, self-transformation, spiritual development, and of course on matters related to your affairs in the field of official affairs, public and government. In addition, your ears should definitely hear what comes out of your mouth this week on these issues.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Since the Leo sign tells about you, your spouse, your partnerships, your tendency to cooperate in social relations, how you behave in your relations with the people around you, the quality of your business partnership or social relations, as well as open enemies, lawyers, and courts, you can focus on these issues in the new moon that will take place this week.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The New Moon in Leo can affect you more in matters related to your health, healthy eating, your choice of job, your relationships at work, how you are an employee, and the way you handle your internal discipline and responsibilities, as well as your daily hustle. Also, this week, I say pay attention to the issues related to your friends and siblings.

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