Climate Activists Glue Themselves to Famous Paintings in Madrid

Climate activists glued themselves to the frames of two world-famous paintings by Spanish painter Francisco de Goya at the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.

A new one has been added to the actions of climate activists targeting the paintings of world-famous painters.

Two activists affiliated with the climate organization Futuro Vegetal wrote "+1.5" in the middle of Spanish painter Francisco de Goya's paintings "La maja desnuda" and "La maja vestida" at the Prado Museum and stuck their hands on the paintings.

With the text "+1.5", activists said they wanted to draw attention to the increase in air temperature in the world, which causes climate instability.

Both paintings were not damaged during the protest. But protesters wrote "+1.5C" on the wall between the two artworks, referring to the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Police said two activists were taken into custody.

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