Skin health is very important not only for our outward appearance, but also for seeing ourselves and our souls beautiful when we look in the mirror. Our skin can be dry, oily or combination. But we don't look for any reason to be beautiful. That's why we spend an average of 100 to 1000 dollars on skin care every year. Yes, it is not a small amount. But besides taking good care of our skin health, there are some things we need to do. One of them is a healthy diet.
Now we will list some foods that are good for skin health. We will also tell you what you need to do to protect your skin health.
5 Foods That Beautify Skin
Red Pepper
11 foods that should be consumed for smooth and beautiful skin Red bell pepper, which is rich in vitamin C, also contains caroteonides that regulate blood flow in the skin. Vitamin C is important for skin health. This vitamin fights aging and reduces the formation of wrinkles.
Carrot, which is beneficial for both eye and skin health, is very rich in vitamin A. In particular, carrot added to the formula of cosmetic products improves the appearance of the skin. Retinol, which is mentioned in the ingredients of most cosmetic skin products, also refers to carrot extracts. Because carrot acts as a natural retinol and beautifies the skin.
Pumpkin Seeds
Being a unique source of zinc, pumpkin seeds contain the healthiest and most important mineral for the skin, thanks to this feature. Zinc helps to regulate the basic collagen level, ensures the regeneration of skin cells and, together with vitamin C, strengthens the cell membrane.
Dark Chocolate
The flavanols and antioxidant plant components in cocoa moisturize the skin and regulate circulation. A decrease in skin flaking and roughness was observed in women who consumed beverages containing high cocoa flavanols for 12 weeks compared to those who did not. In order to benefit from the benefits of cocoa and at the same time prevent weight gain, consumption should be 28 grams or 150 calories per day.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant. For this reason, it is beneficial in preventing 'photo-aging' on the skin and the damage caused by UV rays. It also contributes to the hydration and softening of the skin. A person's daily need for vitamin E is 8-10 mg on average. Vitamin E is abundant in cereals, green vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, olive oil, fish oil, hazelnuts, walnuts, tuna, sardines, egg yolks, tomatoes and potatoes. However, especially a handful of hazelnuts meets the daily vitamin E need to a large extent.
To Beautify Your Skin
To protect and beautify skin health; do not consume cigarettes and alcohol, eat mostly vegetables, do regular sports, sleep regularly, consume vegetables and fruits rich in omega-3, C, E and B group vitamins, add natural and vegan certified products to your skin care routine, do not forget to moisturize your skin, regularly use your pillowcase every 3 days change it and use sunscreen before going out in the sun.