Cerebral Palsy is a health problem that occurs when the muscles and body movements are affected due to the damage seen in the brains of children. Early diagnosis is extremely important in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy. Although brain damage cannot be eliminated in early diagnosis with different treatment targets and different treatment options for each patient, children can be saved from being dependent on another person in the future.
Pay Attention to These Symptoms
Cerebral Palsy, which develops due to a damage to the brain, can be noticed in the early period.
What to pay attention to in the baby / child; is the difference in natural movements. About 30 percent of patients have extreme laxity, called hypotonia. Alright; When you undress the baby and put him on the bed, arm and leg movements are very limited, he cannot move voluntarily, he is in a jelly state. On the other hand, in 60% of cases, the opposite is manifested by spasticity. In other words, the movements of the child are restricted due to the stiffness in the muscle consistency. Brain tissue cannot move limbs as smoothly as it would like. These problems are usually noticed at 5-6 months of age. Involuntary movements are observed in 10% of cases. Another important point; the child's developmental stages are delayed. For example; At the end of 3 months, the baby should be able to control his head well, at 5-6 months he should be able to sit with support, at 7-8 months he should be able to sit on his own. If these are not present, the disease should be suspected. In addition, sucking disorder and excessive sleepiness are typical symptoms seen in the first 2 months. Again, the most common symptoms are that the fingers are in the form of an unopened fist and excessive crying at night for no reason.
If these symptoms are present, Cerebral Palsy should be suspected and a specialist should be consulted.
The First 6 Months Are Very Important
The diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, especially in the first 6 months, is critical for successful treatment results.
Infants with suspected Cerebral Palsy should undergo MRI examination. For example; Especially a premature baby born before 30 weeks or a baby who has had a brain hemorrhage in the early period are very strong candidates for Cerebral Palsy. Therefore, an MRI is required.
The First 3 Years are Very Important for Treatment
Although Cerebral Palsy is not a completely curable disease, early diagnosis and necessary intervention can enable children to live in the future without being dependent on others.
Rehabilitation studies can be carried out even in incubators, especially for babies who are at serious risk in the neonatal period. The child's mobility and skills can be improved by physiotherapy and surgical methods.
The first step in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy is physical therapy. Since children's brain development is largely completed by the age of 3, physical therapy can be greatly benefited from in the first 3 years. However, if rehabilitation methods are insufficient, surgical interventions should be performed without losing time.