Migraine is a severe headache that manifests itself due to stress, busy work life and noise, especially in big city life.
Migraine is a disorder that can also be transmitted by genetic factors. Migraine is a disease that is usually diagnosed as a result of chronic headaches.
What Causes Migraine?
Exactly in which part of the brain and how migraine occurs is still a mystery to the scientific world. However, besides this, modern studies continue with on-site determinations. In ancient civilizations, migraine, known as "pain that drives one to madness", today has a number of ways to relieve the pain, its symptoms and stimuli.
What are the Symptoms of Migraine?
- Very severe pain in a particularly fixed point of the head
- Hypersensitivity to light and sound
- nausea and vomiting
- feeling tired
- Blurred vision, blurred vision, dizziness
- Anorexia, insomnia, fatigue
- Persistence of pain unrelated to a stimulus
- exacerbation of pain due to a stimulus
- Short-term vision loss and similar visual sensory deformities in the type of migraine known as eye migraine
What Is Good For Migraine Pain?
- Do not use cigarettes and tobacco products
- Do not drink sodium-containing beverages such as alcohol
- Do not drink caffeinated products
- Sleep regularly
- Eat regularly
- Avoid intense sports
- Drink plenty of water
- Don't stress
- Do not stay still for long hours
- Don't work long hours