What are Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress and Anxiety? 8 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety

What are Breathing Exercises to Reduce Stress and Anxiety? 8 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety

Stress and anxiety is a psychological disorder that is considered the disease of our age. It is possible to prevent these situations, which arise for many reasons, by changing some small actions and habits.

When we are stressed or have an anxiety attack, our heart rate quickens, our breathing becomes shorter, our throat becomes dry, and we experience tremors in our hands and feet. In fact, sometimes we experience such high levels of stress and anxiety that we think we're having a heart attack because we're out of breath.

There are the simplest ways to prevent anxiety and stress. The first of these is breathing exercises. Because deep breathing helps us feel better in some emotionally charged situations. At the same time, breath control calms the mind. Before we look at the breathing exercise, which is your natural weapon against anxiety and stress, let's take a look at how the breathing exercise is done.

How to Do Breathing Exercise?

Follow a Specific Rhythm

Control is important during breathing exercise. A certain rhythm must be followed. Counting as you inhale and exhale can help. To achieve a good respiratory rhythm it is important not to breathe too fast, hyperventilation ie breathing too fast will only increase your heart rate. It's best to take a deep breath, hold your breath for a moment, and then exhale slowly.

Breathe Better

It is important to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth for better breathing. Time is also important for a healthy breath. Try to exhale twice as fast.


Try not to think about anything else while doing the breathing exercise and feel the air flow as you breathe.

Use Your Diaphragm

Breathe deeply using your diaphragm while doing breathing exercises. The diaphragm is the large muscle at the base of the rib cage. If you hold your sides, you can feel them expand laterally as you inhale and contract as you exhale. Hold your breath for a moment (about a second or two) to maximize your oxygen intake before exhaling. Research shows that diaphragmatic breathing triggers relaxation responses that are beneficial to physical and mental health.

Breathing Exercises Against Stress and Anxiety

Exercise 1

While sitting, place your right index and middle fingers between your eyebrows. Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale slowly through your left nostril. Close your nose completely by pressing your ring finger against your left nostril. Hold your breath for a moment. Lift your thumb and exhale. Do the same for the left side and repeat for about ten minutes.

Exercise 2

Sit down, put your hands on your knees or lay flat on the floor. Open your fingers wide and inhale through your nose. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Extend it up to the chin. Exhale while shouting "Haaaa". Breathe normally. Repeat several times.

Exercise 3

Inhale, then exhale for four seconds. Hold your breath for four seconds. Breathe for four seconds. Hold your breath for four seconds. Then repeat several times.

Exercise 4

While sitting, inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. Start again. Perfect for falling asleep.

Exercise 5

With your mouth closed, breathe slowly through your nose. Purse your lips as if you want to whistle. Exhale through your mouth within four seconds.

Exercise 6

When sitting or lying down, place one hand on your chest and the other just below your ribs. Inhale slowly through your nose to feel the air enter your stomach. Exhale slowly by pursing your lips. Focus on how your stomach rises and falls. Repeat this cycle several times.

Exercise 7

While lying down with your eyes closed, inhale slowly through your nose for six seconds. Exhale in all six seconds. Do this for ten minutes by focusing on the air going back and forth across your body.

Exercise 8

Exhaling should take longer than inhaling. Inhale for two or three seconds, but exhale for four to six seconds. Repeat throughout after a few minutes.

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