What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia Symptoms and Treatment
Here is what you need to know about dyslexia, which is usually diagnosed when children start their education life and parents notice late.
Dyslexia, known as learning disability, is a specific learning disorder that causes an individual to have problems with language, reading and writing skills despite having normal intelligence.
Even if a person with dyslexia can recognize speech sounds, they will have difficulty learning how they relate to letters or words. Dyslexia, which is generally seen as a reading disorder, can also affect attention and memory, and it can also affect the areas of the brain that process language.
Most children with dyslexia can do well in school with tutoring or a special education program. Emotional support plays a very important role in the process of coping with dyslexia.
How Many Groups Is Dyslexia Divided into?
Dyslexia symptoms can vary according to age and person. Dyslexia symptoms often become more pronounced as children begin school. There are 6 different types of dyslexia.
Phonological Dyslexia
People with this type of dyslexia may have difficulty pronouncing certain words. In this type of dyslexia, visual processing problems come to the fore rather than auditory processing.
Superficial Dyslexia
It is the type that has difficulty in recognizing and writing words.
Visual Dyslexia
Reading difficulties due to visual problems (due to physical causes) or visual processing disorders (cognitive/neurological causes).
Primary Dyslexia
It is the most common type of dyslexia. It is a functional disorder that occurs in the left cerebral cortex of the brain and does not change with age.
Secondary (Developmental) Dyslexia
Secondary dyslexia is caused by problems in brain development in the early stages of fetal development. Developmental dyslexia may decrease as the child gets older.
Trauma Dyslexia
It develops in adults or children as a result of damage to the brain due to trauma or illness.
Causes of Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is often seen among members of the same family. It is thought to be linked to genes that govern the part of the brain that governs reading and language, and to various environmental factors.
A family history of dyslexia or other learning difficulties can increase the risk of dyslexia, in addition to preterm or low weight at birth, exposure to nicotine, drugs, alcohol, or infection during pregnancy that can affect fetal brain development, and incompatibilities between the various parts of the brain that enable reading.
Dyslexia Symptoms
It can be difficult to spot dyslexia in children before they start school, but some clues to the existence of such a problem can be noticed early on.
The severity of dyslexia varies from person to person, but the severity of the condition usually occurs when the child begins to learn to read.
Signs that a young preschooler may be at risk for dyslexia include:
- Talking late.
- Slowness in learning new words.
- Confusing the sound order of words or having difficulty distinguishing similar words.
- Difficulty remembering the names of letters, colors, and numbers.
- Difficulty saying or learning rhymes.
The signs and symptoms of dyslexia may become more pronounced in a school-aged child. Between them:
- Ability to read below the expected level for age.
- Difficulty understanding and understanding what they hear.
- Difficulty finding the right word or answering questions.
- Difficulty remembering the order of various objects.
- Difficulty seeing/hearing differences or similarities between letters or words.
- Difficulty pronouncing a foreign word.
- Spelling and spelling difficulties.
- Taking longer than usual to complete reading assignments.
- Avoiding activities that involve reading.
The symptoms of dyslexia in teens and adults are similar to those seen in childhood. Some common dyslexia signs and symptoms in teens and adults include:
- Difficulty reading or reading aloud.
- Slow and forced read/write.
- Spelling difficulty.
- Avoiding activities that involve reading.
- Difficulty pronouncing or remembering names or words.
- Difficulty understanding jokes or expressions that are not easily understood from the words in them.
- Unexpected for activities that involve reading or writing. Needing time.
- Difficulty summarizing the story
- Difficulty learning a foreign language.
- Difficulty in memorization.
- Difficulty solving math problems.
Dyslexia Treatment Methods
There is no known way to correct the underlying brain abnormalities to treat dyslexia. Unfortunately, dyslexia is a lifelong problem. However, early diagnosis, determination and evaluation of the individual's special needs and appropriate treatment can increase success.
Dyslexia is treated using specific educational approaches and techniques, and the earlier the intervention begins, the more effective it will be. Psychological tests will help the child's teachers develop an appropriate curriculum.
Teachers can use hearing, sight and touch techniques to improve a child's reading skills. Helping a child use different senses to learn—for example, listening to a recording of a lecture and finger-drawing the shape of letters used in the lesson and spoken words—can indirectly help the brain process information.