What is good for headaches? Solution for headache without medication
Headaches can be really irritating. You will be able to get rid of headaches with natural methods at home.
Headache is a serious ailment. It's annoying. Try these tips for headache relief
Taking a warm shower can be good for a headache. When you have a headache, drink chamomile tea by boiling it.
Ice. Yes, surprising but true! Put on ice for a while to relieve the headache.
Getting fresh air is good for headaches. Always try to get fresh air when you have a headache.
Sleep is really important. Headaches can happen when you don't get enough sleep. So take a warm shower and then try to sleep.
If the pain is severe, use painkillers.
When is it dangerous?
Headache can be dangerous in some cases. For example, if you have a headache problem for more than 7 days, go to the doctor.