Health Benefits of Oats, How Much Oats Should You Eat Daily?

Health Benefits of Oats, How Much Oats Should You Eat Daily?

Oats are among the grain types known to have many benefits to the body. Oats, which have gluten-free nutritional composition, are mostly consumed as oatmeal at breakfast times. So what are the health benefits of oats?

The oat plant, which has been consumed both nutritionally and therapeutically since the middle ages, is recommended by nutritionists because it is a high protein diet product today, when obesity causes serious health problems.

Gluten-free oats have many benefits for the body. Oats, which are mostly consumed for breakfast, are used in many food products such as cookies, biscuits, bread, breakfast pancakes, granola bars, beverages containing probiotics and baby foods.


Nutritional Values of Oats

The nutritional values of 100 grams of oats are as follows;

Carbs: 63.29 grams
Protein: 12.53 grams
Fat: 7 grams
Fiber: 5.43 grams
Potassium: 384 mg
Calcium: 54mg
Iron: 4.61 mg

100 grams of cooked oats; 12 grams of carbohydrates, 2.54 grams. protein, 1.52 g. oil, 1.7 g. fiber, 4 mg of sodium, 70 mg of potassium, 9 mg of saliva and 0.9 mg of iron.

Health Benefits of Oats

  • It protects the immune system.
  • It helps the heart to work healthily, protects the heart and vascular health.
  • It regulates the cholesterol level in the blood.
  • It regulates the digestive system and accelerates my metabolism.
  • It helps to reduce blood sugar level to normal level.
  • Protects skin health.
  • It reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  • Oatmeal consumed for breakfast prevents excessive calorie intake during the day.
  • It reduces anxiety.


How Much Should Your Daily Oat Consumption Be?

8 tablespoons of oats meet 15% of the daily protein requirement. Vitamin E in its content provides rapid regeneration of muscle fibers. For this reason, the amount of oats that should be consumed daily is 8 tablespoons on average.

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